Thursday, 18 April 2013

second week at Start

This week I feel I’ve been a bit more involved on my placement at Start in Salford. I’m starting to get to know the members a bit more, which is helping me to learn how I can help them better. The morning class of visual arts was similar to last week, just talking to the members, helping where I can with their work and offering encouragement. The afternoon class of Photography was fun. We took the small class down to Salford Quays, where we visited the Lowry Art centre. The architecture is brilliant there, with many curved lines and interesting colours which is perfect for taking some fantastic photos. As well as taking my own photos, I also posed in a few of the members’ shots, and again encouraged and suggested to people how they could take some good photos. I think my own confidence is growing as I work with people at the centre, I’m really enjoying the feeling of being an active and helpful part of the community too.

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